Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Maybe Its just me thinking too much, seldom or rarely has my senses prove me wrong. I think you are avoiding me, haha......For wat reason, I think I know. Noticed that u don't look into my eyes when I'm talking to u or maybe I'm hallucinating. Still some things are better left unsaid.

Well so be it then. Its not like I want anything from you. Bit by bit, I might no longer require my knee guard anymore. It seems like I'm at a 95% complete knee recovery. Soon there will be a league and this time I will dominate and show prowess !

* An injured then recovered lion's strike is unstoppable * Once they started chasing, they won't stop until their prey is completely dead in its track.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Dramatic Last Few Days

2 days ago, I met some bloke who introduced me really neat stuffs into filming but it wasn't by chance. It was total pure hardwork as i scoured the city from West to Central to East to find a suitable filming video cams & lights

Then he introduced me "SINEMA OLD SCHOOL". Next day I went to watch a local romance movie by myself believing no one would bother accompanying me. Well my primary objective was met, which was to mix around with local film scene. I spoke to this talented younger than me director/producer. My secondary objective would soon be met. After all, I was from the sales line :P pitching with passion shouldn't be a problem I guess.

Also today I spent a fukin busy day trying to clear broken tiles in my living room, did I mention it was like a war zone with debris n rubble all over. How unlucky especially when its chinese new year and worser when u wanna invite friends over for the 1st time.... But then I went on polish up my to swordsmanship like posta de donna, posta longuard and some instabil drills. ( italian names)

Last but not least, I will not allow u to hinder my goals n dreams. I fell deep enough last year and you are but just a passing shadow !

Thursday, January 8, 2009

2009 A Fresh Start

For starters, a new blog for a new year and for a new drive within.
1) I believe my knee cap finally recovered after a real bad 7 month long injury
2) I'm getting more serious in school work and being on time
3) I'm angry at something and it gives me alot of strength & power & adrenaline to tone back my body. I mean it
4) I'm dead serious abt getting my driving license now

1) I don't even know its good or bad, I watched "Yes Man" today and discovered too much of myself in the role Jim Carrey was acting.

1) I gotta step out of my comfort zone ; ;
2) I got a feeling, I'm giving u false hope. I'm sorry